Timberhouse Aero Estates is a Fly-In community located in north-central Indiana. The field is just south of Purdue Airport, along I65 about an hour north of Indianapolis. The grass runway is home to a variety of aircraft and is actively used and maintained by the small community that lives there.
New in May 2020: The gravel drives which service the estates have been paved!
Also new in 2020: Fiber internet is now available. Speeds up to symmetric 1 Gb/s through https://tipmont.org/
The recreational community of 125 acres is carved out of the surrounding 400 acre Timberhouse Farms. The estate lots are generous in size and limited in number so that the elegant and peaceful country setting will be maintained. Timberhouse has always been a place where family and friends gather. A typical weekend finds friends working on airplanes, pilots giving rides to kids, and radio controlled pilots demonstrating their skills.
The 3,000ft lighted runway (31IN) is just south of Purdue Airport (KLAF) and north of Crawfordsville (KCFJ) putting it right in the center of two world-class maintenance and training facilities.
Talk to a real-estate agent about available properties and what it takes to buy and start enjoying your aviation dream. Visit homesforsalelafayetteindiana.com or call (765)-427-2125 for more information.